Saturday, December 19, 2009


Today I took a small step for Finland, and a big step for myself: I moved out of Montreal after finishing my last exam on December 18th. I should've dedicated an entire post to that yesterday but the phone was ringing off the hook and texts so I ended up straying far from the comforts of blogging cyberspace and hanging out in the "real" world for a bit...something I should stop doing by tending to my 8 unread Facebook messages, piling up for a few weeks now...

So yes, I sprung out of bed at 6:30am today [by which I mean I woke up at 6:30am and couldn't fall back asleep until my alarm went off at 7:15am]. Made breakfast, the 'usj' and relished my last morning in Montreal. Apart from extreme hunger... it was among the cheeriest mornings I can remember in Montreal! I drove out of the underground garage in my building and didn't even notice it was -15C until they announced it on the radio. As I drove past the Bell Center on toward the 720 [that's the highway that runs through downtown Montreal] I swear some snow and light painted a rainbow across the Bell Center parking lot... I interpreted this as a great sign and whistled the whole way to Kingston [by which I mean, of course, that I rocked out to Lady Gaga the whole way!]
And so I made excellent timing AND didn't pee my pants as I pulled into Vanessa's driveway at 11:30am, packed up the car with Vanessa's stuff, repacked Ted's luggage, checked out Monique and Kim's art exhibit, ate lunch, went to the LCBO, picked up Vanessa's debit card and dropped off some library books [so not in this order] before heading toward Toronto. Oh and before Kingston, I stopped for gas.

So alas, I am now tired...
which brings me to the Finnish word of the day! = väsynyt.


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