Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ever seen that Buffy episode where Buffy gets poisoned by the evil trio and she starts thinking that she's actually in a mental hospital and that in order to get better and go home with her mom (who's actually dead) and dad (her parents were divorced) she needs to kill all her Sunnydale friends and her sister? And then at the end of the episode, she doesn't and the parents and doctor are left staring at a catatonic Buffy says "we've lost her again..." and then you never actually know if any of it is real!

Anyway, sometimes I walk down the street and I keep thinking that this is all a dream and it's amazing how convincingly I fooled myself into thinking I live in Finland instead actually I'm still in school in Montreal, or something. Today I woke up and went to my class, for example, where I sat beside a guy from the Ivory Coast, 2 Russian women and 2 men from Somalia. Other nationalities in the class include a French woman, several people from Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. And we're all learning Finnish! Tomorrow we have a TEST but my teacher said she'll make it easier for me and the other new guy in the class...numbers, easy words and verbs.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't really explain it with words but I LOVE FINNISH BREAD. I had it in the summer and didn't mind it. I had it last week and liked it. AND THIS WEEK I've been stuffing my face with it, shamelessly, because I can't get enough of it and apparently it's really good for you. We just ran out... I need more!

Last night we went out to DOLORES and had the Jussinkylä bad boys over just before! I made a Canadian friend at the bar and we exchanged contact info. Apparently he's in need of a Canadian friend too! And I also met a long, lost friend of the Jussinkylä bad boys: Santtu, who has been working in China for the past little while.
I am now very sleepy.

Word of the day:
pitää - to like
minä pidän
sinä pidät
hän pitää
me pidämme
te pidätte
he pidävät

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