Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Launch!

The time has come...

I have finally started writing publicly: I mean FULLY public. I've been keeping 2 blogs for a few weeks now and working on a base for the public one while keeping things more personal on here. The perks of splitting up the blogs is that I have adopted a slightly different voice on the other one, or tried to, and now I can separate my day-to-day and my environmental rants. I do, however, hope that they won't be rants any longer, but rather, carefully thought-out arguments or just ideas for how to lead a more sustainable life. If would mean a lot to me if you checked it out and subscribed:

You can also leave comments more easily on the new blog, no log-in required.


P.S. I'll still post here though, don't worry, this link won't expire.

P.P.S. Photo credit here.

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